4-H Rodeo
By-Laws & Rules
- 4-H Rodeo Minutes
- Rodeo Youth Code of Conduct
- Rodeo Rule Book
- Rodeo Registration Entry
- SJC-4-H-Rodeo-Adult-Code-of-Conduct-revised.pdf
- SJC-4-H-Rodeo-Youth-Code-of-Conduct.pdf
- 4h/4-h-rodeo-assumption-of-risk-template-03-15-19.pdf
- 4h/2025-SJC-4H-POINT-rodeo-entry.pdf
Please look at the Entries Deadlines and late fees when they will be charged,
Please bring exact change for Cash, if possible, we take Cash, Checks, or Money orders
Rodeo Results
Download the Horse & Rodeo Schedule (PDF)